Sabtu, 03 September 2011

It Was an Unforgettable Day

July 16, 2011
It was an unfor
gettable day for me, you know why?

I th
ink you'll never know if I never told you about this .
okay, I tell you now :D

It's a David Ar
chuleta concert, although not his single concert but it's very awesome concert I ever saw. And you know what, it's also my first time saw David's live performance. Awww *wide smiling. Like dreaming, I swear.
Saw his handsome face, his wide
smile, and also heard his good voice.
He sang more than ten songs, wo
w .. but, his voice still okay until the concert finish.
David has a beautiful voice. He sings with passion and emotion and makes his audience feel what he feels when he sings.
The other side of down
Everything and more
Something about love
Thousand miles

Touch my hand
My kind of Perfect
Love don't hate
The other side of down
Zero Gravity, e
tc .
I forgot . HEHE
Anyway, I went to the concert with m
y friends, ya my close friends. Elin , Ela , Anna and also Elin's nephew named Vostin.
We arrived at 3 p.m and we saw so man
y people there. But, we can't direct entry, we have to change our ticket to brecelet. And after that. We ran to the stage, like a chick free from reckless.

4 p.m Rain fall. We can move to other place.
Yes, pouring rain and we are hap
py like a child. Rain stoped and we still happy.
We very anjoyed the music although didn't David on stage.
David .. David .. David.. !! we shout it
very strong, but until 9 p.m David didn't come.
10 p.m
Are you ready for David Archuleta ?
" one MC asked us"
Yeahh . David ! David ! David .
. We shout it again .

The boy who wear a pink shirt and b
lack jeans came, yes He's David !
How cute you are.
David sing from his heart. Awesome !
and here we are

Left to right: Ela, Elin, Ana, Me and Vostin

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